Key Take Aways
What did you hear or see during the STEPS meeting that you will share with your friends and family
August 2023 Meeting
Trooper Blanco's "It Starts With You" presentation.
Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do daily. Slow down and pay attention.
Statistics of fatality's have been increasing by the year in traffic issues
"It starts with us", we need to slow down.
There's going to be a lot of construction work for the next 10 years on I-20.
Distracted driving is a huge problem and must discontinue.
Eye opening/sobering stats and the importance of distracted driving prevention
Crashes not accidents and distractions are a large part of the cause of crashes in all age range.
They have given us the tools to use to be a safe driver now it’s up to us to become that person
Awareness, information
I learned just how bad the drivers were in Texas. I thought it was just in San Angelo. I also know to stay off of Highway 158 ND NOT TO USE HIGHWAY 302 GOING TO KERMIT.
Defensive driving is the key. SLOW DOWN
Sirena Perkins Fentanyl presentation.
Fentanyl is a deadly drug, even in small doses. It is being passed to kids as candy.
Fentanyl is a great drug when used properly.
Fentanyl has been targeting children from the ages of 3rd grade & has been camouflaged as vitamins.
Fentanyl can be made at home and is extremely deadly.
Alarming stats and proactive emergency steps
Danger, reality
Talk to the teens and give support to addicts
September 2023 Meeting